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Category: #fieldnotes/linux
[[tree]] Tmux is a really handy utility. I’m finding it invaluable when working multiple processes on remote hosts
`tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals
to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux
may be detached from a screen and continue running in the
background, then later reattached.
– tmux manpage
` tmux work with named sessions. Consider each session as a window that contains one or more panes, each of which with its own shell process.
Work with sessions
`$ tmux new -s my-new-session
Ctrl-b d
`$ tmux attach -t my-new-session
- Horizontal:
Ctrl-b %
creates a window next to - Vertical:
Ctrl-b "
creates a window under
Navigate Panes
switch to other pane - ^b o
Ctrl-b <arrow key>
Kill Session
`$ tmux kill-session -t my-new-session