Table of Contents
Skaffold Demo
Skaffold is a really easy tool to use most of which can be done just by following the simple instructions on the github site:
I’m doing development locally on my mac with Docker for mac - Kubernetes
Install skaffold on mac
brew install skaffold
Make sure your connected to a cluster
kubectl get ns
Get to work
Lets clone an app to work with
git clone
cd skaffold/examples/getting-started
Edit skaffold.yaml
Replace k8s-project with your GCP project ID
Run Skaffold
skaffold dev
Make a change
Open main.go and change the Hello World to something else
package main
import (
func main() {
for {
fmt.Println("Skaffold Rulz!")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
It’s that simple. When you save the file skaffold will automatically:
Build your image
Push the image if deploying remotely Deploy your app to kubernetes
Bonus: Skaffold will automatically delete resources when it’s stopped (ctrl + c) Skaffold only updates resources that have changed, helpful in a microservice project
Notes: When my context points to local kubernetes skaffold ignores my cloud tools such as push to When my context points to a remote cluster it trys to push to the repo listed on the image. For I needed to configure it for docker with:
gcloud auth configure-docker
To use cloud builder i needed to add…
- imageName:
projectId: crg-gcp
Also make sure your gcloud config is set to the right project I was on some other project and couldn’t pull from my crg-gcp repo <sigh>