Flutter - Repository Pattern

Flutter Repository Pattern

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This repo demonstrates using the repository pattern for layering your architecture.

In this design the view utilizes a generic interface to get and set data against the repository. That specification can be setup in an abstract class such as:

abstract class BookRepository {
  Stream<List<Book>> getAll();
  Future<Book?> getOne(int id);
  Future<void> insert(Book book);
  Future<void> update(Book book);
  Future<void> delete(int id);

This class is the implemented by with the concrete class

class BookRepositoryLocal implements BookRepository {

Alternatively for testing one class can implement another such as

class BookRepositoryRemote implements BookRepositoryLocal {

Both models work and allow the use of a base interface, in this case both classes end up implementing BookRepository

    //BookRepository bookRepo = BookRepositoryLocal();
    BookRepository bookRepo = BookRepositoryRemote();
    Stream<List<Book>> books = bookRepo.getAll();

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