Flutter - Classes & Constructors

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Classes & Constructors

class Person {
  final String first;
  final String last;
  final String email;

  Person : first = "none"; // initializer list  assigns variables before the constructor runs
  Person(n) : first = n { print(n) } // Initializer with constructor (note {} replaces the ;)

  Person(this.first) // automatic assignment to instance var in constructor
  Person({this.first}) // curly braces make the value optional
  Person.myName(this.first) // Named constructors provide extra clarity and are needed for multiple contstructors

  //example - Named constructor taking a general map and email
  Person.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, {this.email}) 
      : assert(map['first'] != null),
        assert(map['last'] != null),
        first = map['first'],
        last = map['last'];


More details in this good article

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